Unraveling The Realm Of Pink Diamonds

Coloured Diamonds

Unraveling The Realm Of Pink Diamonds
A Mysterious Colour Origin

The naturally occurring pink diamonds can captivate one’s attention by their stunning beauty. For 20 years ago, pink diamonds have been a thing of mystery for geologists. 

Much research has been carried out to identify the element that causes the soothing hues of pink diamonds. To date, the colour origins of this diamond are a mystery. Some scientific evidence reveals that pink diamonds are high-pressure substances. A complex internal structure is formed because of gaining a higher pressure.

As such, scientists today believe that these diamonds are a result of such a process. The lattice defects, the imperfections in atoms arrangement in diamonds are the major cause of their spectacular pink colour.

Where To Seek?

Pink diamonds find their presence only in a handful of mines across the globe. Without a doubt, they are a rarity when it comes to coloured diamonds. These gems can be found in Russia, Brazil, Tanzania, Canada, South Africa, and Siberia.

The largest number of Pink Diamonds, approximately 90%, are produced by the well-known Argyle Mine of Australia. The mine produces 8 million carats of all the world’s diamonds.

The pink diamonds from Argyle mine possess such intense and vibrant pink colours that make them scarce from all the other diamonds. Only a handful of pink diamonds, each year, are discovered. From mine to the market, each diamond is tracked to ensure the full traceability of each mined pink diamond.

A Rare Find

According to GIA, “Of the millions of diamonds mined each year, only .001 per cent can qualify as fancy colours and only a handful can achieve the top grades of Intense and Vivid.”

The pink diamonds are only a small fraction of these 0.001% of all the fancy-coloured top-grade diamonds. The more intense the natural colour, the rarer and more expensive the diamond. The

limited availability and limited supply of pink diamonds indicate how rare the diamond is and how tough it is to purchase or invest in a pink diamond of higher quality.

Pink diamonds are the second rarest coloured gems in the entire family of diamonds.

Among the main sources of pink diamonds is the Argyle mine which produces around eight million carats of diamonds each year. An interesting fact is that, of this 90 % of the world’s diamonds produced, only 5% are of gem quality. Of these gem-quality diamonds, pink is one of the rarest diamonds after green and blue.

The Pricing

In the case of naturally coloured diamonds, the colour grade is more important. The intensity or saturation of the colour, as well as the existence or non-existence of another colour, are the two important aspects of understanding a diamond. The naturally coloured pink diamonds with more intensity and purest pink colours are highly priced. 

Pink diamonds are frequently created using secondary hues.

The secondary hues consist of purple, grey, brown, brownish-purple and orange. The most popular colour, however, is purplish pink. The secondary or modifying tone of the diamond also impacts the pricing. The prices increase with the level of intensity of pink diamonds. When combined with the secondary colours, the higher the price, the rarer the secondary colour.

Intensity Grades By GIA

When evaluating a diamond, considering the intensity of its colour is important. GIA has set an intensity grading scale, particularly for pink diamonds. As per the scale, the intensity ranges from Faint Pink to Fancy Deep. Here is a list of some of the intensity grades:

Why Invest In Pink Diamonds

A big spike in popularity among these treasure assets is seen in loose stones and diamonds. Of all the coloured diamond categories, the prices of pink diamonds have shown significant growth with each passing year. Investment in coloured diamonds, specifically, has become the most lucrative and thus more stable investment you can make. 

As per the Barclay’s Wealth Report issued in 2014, around 70% of the investors across the world invested in treasure assets.

Today’s investors prioritise treasure assets more than they did five years ago. This is an indication that the numbers have only been rising. The rarity of pink diamonds makes them an unmissable opportunity to invest. The rarity of pink diamonds is an indication that there are no chances for the pink diamond market to be flooded or the prices of diamonds to crash.

The various colour categories have different degrees of rarity. Pink diamonds are the rarest and have seen a huge surge in interest in recent years. The Argyle mine in Australia is responsible for producing some of the most beautifully coloured stones including 90% of pink diamonds. According to the official statements, the Argyle mine is nearing the exhaustion of its resources. It is scheduled to close in the year 2020.

How Pink Diamond Outshines Its Alternatives

Pink diamonds are on the market once every few years. An increasing desire to invest in something unique has resulted in a spike in the prices of different types of pink diamonds.

Pink diamonds have undeniably outperformed most of the global investments in recent years.

To find pink diamonds that best fit your criteria, exploring different colours and intensities is of key importance. The orangey-pink diamonds and brownish-pink diamonds are more affordable than naturally coloured pink and purple-pink diamonds. The intense pink diamonds are more expensive than the lighter gems. The price depends on the scarcity and the colour intensity. It is vital to consider other key factors such as carat, clarity, cut and shape.

The pink diamond never fails to attract due attention at the auctions for its astounding beauty. After many decades, the gem sits in the same frame as the most valuable diamonds, and the prices have shown incredible strength over time. The stone has massive potential – you can re-cut it, and re-polish it to transform it into an internally flawless gem of maximum potential. Given their natural charm, investing in rare pink diamonds is highly recommended.

Discover The Finest Diamonds

At Raremonds, we pride ourselves on offering the finest selection of pink diamonds. Our exquisite collection is sourced from the most renowned mines, ensuring each gem’s authenticity and unparalleled beauty. With a commitment to quality and excellence, Raremonds presents blue diamonds that epitomize luxury and rarity.

Each diamond is meticulously selected for its unique hue and brilliance, making our offerings truly exceptional. Trust Raremonds to provide you with the most captivating pink diamonds, treasures that are as rare in the truest sense of the word.