The only difference between a colourless diamond and a coloured one is that a coloured diamond contains interstitial impurities or structural defects that cause the colouration, while a pure diamond is perfectly transparent and colourless.
Just like every other commodity, even a diamond's value is determined by its demand and supply. But along with it, the four C’s of a diamond viz. carat, clarity, colour and cut collectively determine the price of a diamond. They all contribute equally and influence the final retail value.
When the foreign particles get trapped within a diamond during its crystallization process, they affect and alter the chemical process and change the outcome. The result is a beautiful, rare and exceptional Naturally Coloured Diamond.
Diamonds occur in a variety of colours like steel grey, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink, purple, brown, and black.
Red Diamonds are the rarest and thus the most expensive diamond color! They come only in a Fancy intensity and the color modifiers for them are purplish (purplish red diamonds) and brownish.
The relatively affordable colored diamonds are Grey, Brown and Fancy Yellow Diamonds.
Diamond clarity is the quality of diamonds that relates to the existence and visual appearance of internal characteristics of a diamond called inclusions, and surface defects, called blemishes. Diamonds with higher clarity grades are more valued.
A diamond cut is a style or design guide used when shaping a diamond for polishing such as the brilliant cut. Cut does not refer to shape (pear, oval), but the symmetry, proportioning and polish of a diamond. The cut of a diamond greatly affects a diamond's brilliance; this means if it is cut poorly, it will be less luminous.
When it comes to diamond grading laboratories, there is only one in the jewelry business that truly matters. That laboratory is the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) or more commonly known as GIA. GIA invented most of the systems in use today to grade the 4 C’s of diamonds, and they are completely unbiased in their grading process. This is why they are the most widely respected and only trusted source when one wants to know exactly the quality of a diamond. Those in the diamond or jewelry business submit their product to GIA in order to obtain a certificate that outlines all of the important attributes pertaining to a particular diamond.
Only one in every 10,000 diamonds possesses natural color and is referred to as a colored diamond. For this reason, colored diamonds are purchased almost exclusively for the intensity and distribution of the diamond's color. When buying a colored diamond, it is imperative that you look out for the 4 C's of the Diamond namely - Cut, Color, Clarity & Carat. Also, verify that the seller has the Diamonds which are approved by GIA.
The most important aspect of a colored diamond is the 4 C's - Carat, Cut, Color & Clarity. One needs to verify these 4 C's in addition to a GIA certificate before buying a diamond.
To determine a diamond's cut grade, an optical measuring device creates a three-dimensional model to determine the diamond's proportions and angles. The
interrelations between these various dimensions will largely affect how light reacts once it enters and how it behaves upon exiting the diamond. By using sophisticated computer modeling, it is possible to trace light behavior and measure its levels of brilliance, fire, and sparkle as it exits the top of the diamond, referred to as the face-up appearance by the gemologists.
Polish determines the smoothness of a diamond's facets, and symmetry refers to the alignment of the facets. While polish and symmetry are worthy of note, the cut grade is far more important. Polish and symmetry can be greatly helpful in choosing between two diamonds that are otherwise identical.
The way natural colored diamonds are made is a long process that takes place over millions and millions of years. Yeah, that's right, the stone on your finger is really, really, really old!
Under natural conditions of immense pressure and unimaginable heat, Carbon elements form together into rough diamond rocks. The addition of the varied colors is simply other elements that compound themselves together with the Carbon. Research shows that high levels of Nitrogen can cause Yellow coloring whereas Boron would cause a bluish tint.
Different elements can have varied effects on the stones we see. Also, other natural causes, such as radiation which is known to influence a greenish tint, can take place and that will affect the color as well.
Natural color diamonds are completely authentic in every way. The colors were developed within the stones through the forces of nature and over millions of years formed into the rough stones found in the mines throughout the world. Experienced diamond polishers then work on the rough stones and create the final beautiful products we see today. But once again, the colors seen are 100% natural unless otherwise stated.
Questioning the rarest natural diamond color available is actually quite a disputed topic. The majority of people involved in the trade will declare that natural red diamonds are in fact the rarest color found. Although it might be true, absolutely pure violet diamonds are seen more in frequently than red diamonds. Therefore, if you were to ask us about the rarest, we would say Violet, Red, or even Purple are among the rarest colors found.
With colorless diamonds, the complete absence of color is what makes them so precious.
However, with colored diamonds, it is the presence of color and the intensity of how it shines which makes these pieces so incredible and unique. Only the colors with which they are found make them 10,000 times rarer than the more common colorless stone.
Both colorless stones and natural colored diamonds are assessed by the same four main diamond attributes (color, clarity, cut, and carat). However, unlike colorless stones where they are all considered equal value, the color is significantly more important in case of diamonds. As a result of the rarity of these stones, not only are they used in the most fantastic and articulate pieces of diamond jewelry out there, but they are collected, traded, and utilized as exceptionally sound investments as well.
People often get worried when considering such an important & expensive purchase, that they won't get an authentic product. That is actually one of the most common reasons people steer away from natural colored diamonds. However, these people couldn't be any more wrong!
The presence of color in the diamond is the minerals that exist in the compound
element. It is actually the atomic structure of the stone itself. Having that said, as long as they can assure (with the help of a diamond certificate from GIA, IGI, EGL) that it is a naturally colored diamond, there is nothing to worry about. Colored diamonds are just as "real" & "authentic" as any colorless stone out in the market today.
In order to classify the types of diamonds available, the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has developed a uniform list of 12 main colors, 90 secondary hues, 9 different intensity levels, and over 230 color combinations. Diamonds are found with dominant colors of Yellow, Pink, Green, Champagne, Gray, Violet, Blue, Orange, Chameleon, Purple, Fancy White and Fancy Black. The 9 different intensity grades are Faint, Very Light, Light, Fancy Light, Fancy, Fancy Intense, Fancy Vivid, Fancy Deep and Fancy Dark.
When it comes to value there are almost no other assets that retain value as good as colored diamonds. Even the strongest alternative investment options in the market, such as Platinum or Gold, have seen a shaky ground throughout history. However, as an asset which people physically claim into their possession, together with the ease of mobility, fancy colored diamonds have recently become sought after by some of the most influential people & economists as exceptional investment options.
Pink diamond is a type of diamond which has all the same elements as more commonly known diamonds except that they also exhibit pink color. The source of their pink color is most commonly attributed to enormous additional pressure that these diamonds undergo during their formation.
Pink diamonds range from flawless to included, just as white diamonds. Several pink diamonds with internally flawless clarity have been discovered. Pink diamonds are very feminine, extremely beautiful, and among the rarest of the world of colors, just after red, deep violets, and straight purples, and that is why the demand for pink diamond engagement rings has increased so substantially.
The color of a green diamond originates from the exposure to radioactivity and the atomic radiation that the stone endured over millions of years. Even though the green color is a result of exposure to radioactivity, there’s no need to worry, as holding the stone isn’t dangerous at all. The formation process, however, is incredibly rare, resulting in a colored diamond that’s extremely difficult to obtain.
In order to make identifying a genuine green diamond easier, some polishers have taken to leaving what’s called a “Natural” on the girdle of the stone. A “Natural” is an unpolished area between the girdle and pavilion, exposing the natural color of the rough. This mark allows gemologists assessing the stone to recognize the color as natural and provide the diamond with appropriate certification.
Yellow diamonds often come in unique color combination. Colors often seen are brownish yellow diamond, orangy yellow diamond, greenish yellow diamond and more. In general, natural yellow diamonds with secondary hues are worth less than pure yellow diamonds.
Yellow diamonds come in all shapes (round, oval, cushion cut, asscher cut, princess cut, etc.) and sizes and in various color intensities. The Intensities go from light yellow to fancy light yellow diamond and to the fancy yellow diamonds and all the way to the beautiful, rare and expensive intense yellow diamond and vivid yellow diamond.
To be deemed a real blue diamond, the stone must have been discovered in nature with this hue. An enhanced blue diamond that has been treated with heat or chemicals is actually merely a white diamond at its center. That’s why it’s so vital to buy a GIA certified blue diamond or to at once issue one upon the purchase of the diamond. These certificates will imply the stone’s color origin (natural or treated) and also specify the exact color. If the blue diamond is real, under the origin in the certificate it will state the word “natural.”
It’s also worth noting that there are a variety of shades when it comes to blue diamonds. While some may boast a pure hue, others might have undertones or green, violet or gray. Additionally, the intensity may range from light to vivid. These “slight” changes in colors can mean a lot when it comes to the pricing.
The business model of an E-commerce website is completely different from that of a website that consults with the consumers before they buy a coloured diamond.
E-commerce websites have an existing inventory which is their liability that needs to be sold and earned profit out of. It is imperative for an E-commerce website selling diamonds to ensure that the consumers coming to their website are somehow channeled to buy diamonds only available in their inventory. In such a scenario, consumer has to pick up from options already made available by the website. A consumer can’t customize the diamond according to their needs and budgets. The pool of diamonds for selection is limited when it comes to E-commerce websites. One would assume that a website with heavy inventory would provide endless options. But such is not the case. Options are vast and varied and any website can’t encompass all these options under their inventory.
On the other hand, in a consultancy scenario, the proprietors of the business hold no liability to sell diamonds from their inventory as the business model is more focussed on assisting the consumer/buyer and putting forth the diamonds already available in the inventory. In this case, the proprietors put forth the consumer’s needs and source diamonds according to consumer’s needs and interests, if such a diamond is not available in their inventory. This results in acquiring a diamond which is specially sourced according to the need of the consumer and not according to the availability in the inventory.